Memories of George Steele from his daughter, Allison Elizabeth Fowler.

Started Page: October 27, 2019
Updated Page: August 29, 2023

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October 27, 2019

Hi cousin Tom, Nice to talk with you again, am sorry for the reason...but life and death define our existence, so we must deal as best as we can, I suppose...talking with you and my brother John is helpful (as is my husband, my rock, my Richard), thank you so much for your time and love, both/all of you.

Anyway. Here is the story I promised you. :)

My name is Allison Elizabeth Fowler, my maiden name is Holtz.

My mother, Catherine Elizabeth Manning Holtz (AKA Betty Holtz) married George Edward Steele when I was 11 years old (yo), it was 1966, I think,. My mother became Betty Manning Steele.

My mother and George had been dating since I was about 6 years old...or I think so on that too...he was the consistent adult male guiding influence in my brothers as well as in my life.

Although George may have been my step dad, he was my real father.

He was the person that stepped up to the task of raising my brothers and I; he was stern, loving and made my mother feel happy and secure.

I loved him and still do.

I conduct my life in ways that I hope would make him proud: moral, kind, intelligent, diligent & hard working to the point of not knowing when to stop (lol, that's more about me, sorry,)...

Anywho.....we begin:

Each night while cooking dinner together, my father George & my mother Betty would sing to each other:
George: Betty Belle (sung sweetly)
Moms response: (yes, George dear), sung just as sweetly.

They sang in a Melody that they invented, a Call & Response pattern.

And had their sing/song nightly conversation.

It was overflowing with their love for each other's heart, mind & passion.

They truly loved each other, and it showed nightly, as they prepared gourmet meals for the family - food made with a love symphony.

I know I took it for granted. I couldn't understand why my friends always wanted to hang out at our home...I was a rebellious teen.

But, it was because of George's and Betty's love for each other that helped create our safe, happy and harmonious home - one that was not typical, one that was the joy and envy of my friends - and the one I learned to model my life after.

My husband and I sing to each other, too, if not in words, in by the way we look into each other's husband is very much like George!

George taught us to be open with our love and to not be afraid to show it, no matter how tough you are (at appropriate times/places of course)...and he taught us so much more.

Thank you Tom (and John), great conversation with you both!

I knew that if I didn't write this story and send it to you now, you may have had to wait forever, Tom :)

There are so many other stories.

As youngest in the family, I lived alone with mom and George for 4 years min. longer than Rick or John. George and my mom's love became more vocal, during this time.

And George and I bonded deeply.

He was a very good man. He married a woman he loved who had 3 children...think about it, big commitment.

As many know, George Steele was a Public Defender with Riverside County, he was promoted to Judge, but died from cancer before serving a day on the bench.

George was known as an "encyclopedia of the law"... George was extremely bright. George was also fun loving, but best of all, George loved Betty deeply.

Catherine Elizabeth Manning, who became Betty Manning Steele passed away on October 25, 2019, age 92.

Now mom is ageless and reunited with George, in some least, that thought will help me sleep.

Sorry to make this TMI, but George was a hugely positive and strong influence in our lives.

If you want to ask/follow up from time, I may remember more tid bits about George to share with you. One thing George was adamant about was politeness. We children could not refer to mom as "she", it always to be "mom", to show respect.

Have tried, in this thread, to show George the same respect.

Many thanks, and hope to hear from you soon...

Allison Fowler:

If you have any comments regarding Allison's memories,
please let me Tom Moore know.

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